Our Chance Podcast

25 Apr 2023

Our Chance Podcast is to helps give a voice to our mission to build wholeness in our communities, families and in our youth by focusing on character development. We are here to educate, enlighten, empower and encourage our parents, pastors, principals, politicians, police officers and our people to come together in unity.


Welcome to Our Chance Enterprise Inc. Mountain Mover

13 Jun 2022
Our Chance Enterprise members are leagues that have and still making moves in silence, that make a loud noise. They don't want to be glorified, but it's worth being mesmerized. Favor is all over them; they speak with truth and have a heart of a lion. Some people hate on them but have to respect them. Others love them and appreciate them. When they work, it looks effortless. Its magical motion in the present. Their purpose fuels their energy, you will label them as philanthropies or entrepreneurs, but they will call themselves givers.